Precision forestry for cork oaks

Using advanced technology to improve the sustainability and profitability of cork oaks forests.

Discover our mission

Why does cork oak matter?

Sustainable material

Cork can be used as a high-performance natural building material in many applications: insulation, sound proofing, flooring, lightweight concrete... in construction.

Carbon Capture

Long-lived cork trees are carbon capture machines. Trees are not felled during cork harvest and regenerate their carbon-rich cork bark after each harvest.


Cork oak forests provide habitat for over 100 species, including endangered animals and birds and act as a natural barrier to desertification and soil erosion.

Why is innovation needed?

Cork oak woodlands are under serious threats from climate change, fragile ecosystems, lack of management, wildfires, biotic & abiotic stresses.

We develop and execute a detailed plantation plan for each land plot that we manage.

How can we solve the problem?

We use precision forestry methods and advanced technology to improve cork yields.

To grow the usage of cork, we must increase the cork supply. Using traditional methods, it takes over 30 years before a newly planted cork tree can produce cork for harvest, then every 9 years. Such long growth periods reduce yields and have led to a lack of investment in new cork oak plantations. Precision forestry methods and technology are needed to make cork oak plantations more productive and more attractive to investors.